Meet 16-year-old Axis | Forever Family

Teenage foster kid hoping for Forever Family wish to come true.

My heart seems to be touched every week that we meet another area foster child hoping for their own Forever Family. And that was no different this week when we met 16-year-old Axis from the Roy Maas Alternatives Youth Alternatives Meadowland Campus.

He is really active and outgoing. He loves sports, too! We shot some hoops at Raymond Russell Park. Axis has one wish at the top of his list, and one wish only, and that’s to find his own Forever Family and Forever Home.Sponsored VideoSponsored by Advertising PartnerWatch to learn more

We had an opportunity to get to know him and share with you.

“I would honestly rather have a family than be where I’m at right now because I would finally get a little more freedom,” Axis said. “I’m gonna use this line from ‘Pinocchio’: I’m a real boy.”

Now how touching is that? Axis shared more with us about himself.

“I’m 16 years old. I love playing basketball, football and video games.”

Axis told us that he’s also a book and movie person, and that he loves to stay fit! I asked him what he thought his own Forever Family might do for him.

“It would help see what an actually family would be like because I plan on having kids of my own someday. I wanna be a father who is there for them. I don’t want my kids to go through what I went through.”

If you’d like to learn more about Axis visit or

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Not for sale: Sex trafficking survivor shares how she found refuge in College Station

Karla Solomon’s story is etched on her body. “So, my tattoos are very much to deal with human trafficking but in that same sentence, they are very spiritual,” said Solomon. “The broken chains obviously mean two different things. Yes, I broke free from slavery, but it wasn’t me who broke those chains, it was God.” Solomon was a victim of human trafficking once as a child and again as an adult. “My childhood was very rough. I was taken from my mom at two years old because my grandpa and grandma had noticed something wasn’t right,” said Solomon. Solomon was molested before the age of two. When she 12 years old, Solomon ran away from home for the first time and confided in a neighbor. “She started doing things that my mother wasn’t doing,” said Solomon. “So, she would wait for me at the bus stop. She would take me home and make me sandwiches after school and she started building a relationship with me. She started doing things to make me trust her.” That trust led Solomon down the wrong path. “She took me to a party with some older guys. I did drugs for the first time, smoked marijuana for the first time and I ended up losing my virginity at this party,” said Solomon. The woman soon began selling Solomon to men in exchange for drugs. Solomon was trafficked for a few months before breaking free, but the trauma she had endured stayed with her. “I kind of learned at that point if I wanted to live on the streets, sex equaled payment. Sex equaled currency in some type of way,” said Solomon. “So at 12 years old I decided to go on my own, running away, and I would sleep with guys to have a place to stay at night, or I would do what I had to do to be taken care of, as much as I could.” Over the next fifteen years, Solomon married her husband and became a mother to three children. But while her life may seem to have been better than it once was, Solomon was still struggling from her traumatic past. “I did the one thing that I knew how to do good when things got bad and I ran. I ran away from my kids. I ran away from my husband,” said Solomon. As Solomon ran away from life back at home, she fell right into the hands of a very dangerous man, and before she knew it, Solomon was being forced to have sex for money, once more. “He was creating an ad on of pictures that were not mine, but a girl that looked very similar to me, with he face blurred out, and I remember him walking over to me and showing me the ad and telling me, that he just needed me to do it one time,” said Solomon. Over the course of 54 days, Solomon was taken from Louisiana to Texas, up to Colorado, and back. “A lot of people don’t understand, ‘Well, Karla you were in your car, couldn’t you have left?’ I tried… I pulled over at a gas station and I remember throwing the drugs out that I had, and I remember calling my husband and telling him where I was at and who I was with,” said Solomon. After running away, Solomon’s trafficker threatened to hurt her daughter, so Solomon went back. Days later, Solomon ended up in College Station on Texas A&M’s move-in weekend in 2016, that’s when local and state law enforcement was able to locate her at a nearby hotel and saved her. “And I remember walking outside, and all of these cops got around me and one of them right in my face said, “Karla! are you Karla Solomon?” said Solomon. “And I looked up and as soon as my eyes met him, I remember just crying and dropping all of my bags and falling down on the ground outside on the concrete and I remember telling them, “You guys just saved my life!” Through Solomon’s restored faith in God, she has become one of the strongest advocates in Texas for survivors of human trafficking. Solomon is now a Human Trafficking specialist for Mercy Gate Ministries and a survivor leader for A21 Freedom Chasers and Roy Maas Youth Alternatives. Two years after Solomon was rescued in College Station, Amanda Buenger founded Unbound Bryan-College Station, making it their mission to support survivors of human trafficking right here in the Brazos Valley. Karla Solomon is set to tell her story for the first time in College Station on Friday, March 26, for Unbound’s Night of Hope Event.

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State launches online series to help ID mental health conditions early

We’re here for you helping guide you to resources that can help you and your loved ones. Texas Health and Human Services Commission is launching a new online series to help identify behavioral issues early. We’re taking a deep dive into what they look like and how they can point you in the right direction. “Our hope is that the outcome is going to be that people intervene earlier people get help earlier before they get into a real crisis,” Trina Ita, an Associate Commissioner for Behavioral Health Services with HHSC said. “When people learn more about behavioral health, they can overcome challenges and the stigma associated with mental illness to seek treatment and take that first step toward creating a better life for themselves and others,” said Sonja Gaines, HHS deputy executive commissioner for Intellectual and Developmental Disability and Behavioral Health Services “Over 40 million adult Americans have an anxiety disorder,” the anxiety learning module points out. Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Bipolar Disorder are a few of the mental health conditions you can be diagnosed with — they impact 3 million Texans each year. “Behavioral health is something that impacts so many,” Ita said. Conditions and disorders behavioral health experts say were not talked about, and carried a stigma, until now. “COVID has brought awareness to mental health in a way that I don’t think anything else could,” Julie Strentzsch, Chief Operating Officer for Roy Maas Youth Alternatives, said. The pandemic didn’t just helped start the conversation — Health and Human Services said it has seen an increase in the need for services. “People have experienced job loss, people have lost loved ones, you know, things that were normal for all of us became not normal anymore,” Ita said. A few of the reasons why the Health and Human Services Commission put together 10 interactive learning modules to better understand the signs and symptoms of mental illness. “Our mental health is important, and that when we are not feeling good, not just in our body, but in our soul, it is really critical to reach out to someone, and these modules are ways to do that,” Strentzsch said. The 30-minute lessons are just one tool at your disposal — as behavioral experts say the effects of the pandemic have yet to be seen. “Mental health is going to be something we’re going to be talking about for the next five to 10 years,” Strentzsch said. Health and Human Services said these lessons are meant to help normalize mental health and the best intervention is early intervention. If you or someone you know needs help you can find the eLearning series here to empower you and your families with more knowledge and understanding of behavioral health conditions. San Antonio Centro Seguro HOTLINE: 210 – 340 – 0990 can help guide you to the assistance you need. News 4 SA

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